Diputació de Barcelona
Entorn urbà i salut
Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions

System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth (SOPLAY)

McKenzie, T.L.

Link to the resource: https://activelivingresearch.org/sites/activelivingresearch.sdsc.edu/files/SOPLAY_Protocols.pdf

Target population:
Children and adolescents

Assess the use of public space by young people and the characteristics of the play area such as accessibility, ease of use, supervision or provision of equipment.


Based on the methodology of the SOPARC tool, observers record “snapshots” of the physical activity of users of the study space, distinguishing between types and levels of activity, gender, age group or ethnicity.

Opportunities and limitations:

Based on a widely tested and validated tool (SOPARC), although this variant has not been applied and validated as extensively.

It can be used to compare levels of physical activity in different spaces or in the same space in different time periods. Supplementing the data that are collected with surveys or interviews can help in the analysis and interpretation of the results.

Type of physical activity performed.
Intensity of physical activity (sedentary, moderate, or rigorous).
Location of park users.
Ethnicity of users.
Age of users.
Gender of users.
Day of the week and time of day when the park is used the most.
Public space Green infrastructure Mobility and accessibility Equipment and services
Link to health:
Scale of the field of study:
Housing / street / building / bounded public space
Implementation phase:
Diagnosis / pre-project Monitoring and evaluation
Methodological approach: