Diputació de Barcelona
Entorn urbà i salut
Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions

Cuaderno salud y desarrollo urbano sostenible. Guía práctica para el análisis del efecto en la salud de iniciativas locales de urbanismo

Udalsarea 21 (Red vasca de municipios hacia la sostenibilidad)

Link to the resource: https://www.ihobe.eus/publicaciones/cuaderno-salud-y-desarrollo-urbano-sostenible-guia-practica-para-analisis-efecto-en-salud-iniciativas-locales-urbanismo-2

Guide and Web application
Target population:
Local administrations and citizen associations

Support the systematic analysis of the health impact of health policies, plans and/or projects, urban planning and development at the local level.


The procedure for the analysis is based on four fundamental principles: equity, participation, interdependence, and early intervention.

The first phase consists of the analysis of the initiative and its context.

The second phase consists of the identification, through a rapid questionnaire, of the determinants of health that are potentially affected by the initiative (i.e. healthy eating, mobility, network of basic facilities, employment, physical activity, public open spaces, housing, safety and protection of the community, and the environment).

The third phase addresses key concepts through specific questionnaires, until the completion of the final report.

To facilitate the application of the procedure within the framework of the working group, a computer tool has been developed that, in an orderly manner, leads the user through the phases of the analysis until the preparation of the final report is reached.

The questionnaires allow prospective identification of the possible effects of an initiative on the health and quality of life of people and serve as a support in the choice of alternatives that maximise positive effects on health and eliminate or mitigate negative ones.

Opportunities and limitations:

The method is applicable to any initiative or intervention that will affect the urban environment, especially those that by their nature or scope may have relevant consequences on health.

Its success and usefulness will depend on the level of citizen participation in the process.

The tool can improve an urban initiative or intervention by incorporating the health variable in any of its phases (design, development or use).

Access to healthy, varied and affordable food.
Level of dependence on the motor vehicle.
Access to infrastructure for active mobility.
Percentage of affordable social housing.
Percentage of population within 300 m. of a green space
Housing and neighbourhood communities Public space Green infrastructure Mobility and accessibility Equipment and services Cohesion and social capital
Link to health:
Physical Mental Social
Scale of the field of study:
Block - set of buildings or spaces Neighbourhood (or higher) Housing / street / building / bounded public space
Implementation phase:
Diagnosis / pre-project Monitoring and evaluation Implementation
Methodological approach:
Observation Qualitative / Participatory Questionnaire