

ODS 7. Ensure acces to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy

The aim is to ensure that everyone has access to energy services and to increase the flow of green energy.

This goal addresses issues related to ensuring universal access to clean, affordable, reliable and modern energy services. On the other hand, and considering the current context of climate change, these aspects must necessarily be added to the increase in the proportion of renewable energies, energy efficiency, research and investment promotion. in energy infrastructure and clean technologies.

7.1 For 2030, guarantee the universal fit at kicks of affordable energy, confiables and modern.

7.2 For 2030, augment substantially the percentage of renewable energy at the pool of fonts of energy.

7.3 For 2030, duplicate the world tax of improvement of the energetic efficiency.

#7.a For 2030, augment the international cooperation for such to facilitate the fit at the inquest and at the energetic techs no pollutants, included the fonts of renewable energy, the energetic efficiency and the techs of fuels fossils advanced and less pollutants, and promote the reversal at energetic infrastructures and techs of energy not polluting.

#7.b For 2030, magnify the infrastructure and improve the tech for such to offer kicks of modern and sustainable energy for all the developing countries, in particular the less countries advanced, the #small insular states developing and the developing countries without seaboard, of chord with the programs of respective support.

Affordable and clean energy

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