

ODS 1. To eradicate poverty throughout the world and in all its forms

This SDG urges us to eradicate extreme poverty and reduce the proportion of people of all ages living in poverty by ensuring universal access to basic resources and services such as housing, energy, health care and technology. as well as encouraging the resilience of poor and vulnerable people to crisis or disaster situations.

1.1 For 2030, eradicate for all the persons in the world the dire poverty, at present measured for a per person inferior income at 1,25 dollars USA by the day.

1.2 For 2030, reduce at least at the half the proportion of men, wives, boys and girls of all the ages that live at the poverty at all his dimensions of chord with the national definitions.

1.3 Pose at practice at the national field sizes and appropriate systems of social protection for all the persons, minimal levels included, and, for 2030, achieve a #wide coverage for the #poor and vulnerable persons.

1.4 For 2030, guarantee that all the men and wives, in particular the #poor and vulnerable persons, have the same royalties to the economic resources, as well as fit at the basic kicks, property and control of the earths and other sakes, heredity, natural resources, #new appropriate techs and financial kicks, included the microfinances.

1.5 For 2030, foster the resilience of the #poor persons and those that find at vulnerable situations, and reduce the exposure and vulnerability at the dire phenomenons related with the climate, as well as other crises and economic disasters, social and ambient.

#1.a Guarantee an important mobilisation of pertinent resources of several fonts, even by means of the improvement of the cooperation for the development, so as to provide sufficient and formulaic modes at the developing countries, in particular the less countries advanced, for such to pose at practical programs and politicians directed at the eradication of the poverty at all his dimensions.

#1.b Create #solid normative frames at the national plans, regional and international, on the base of strategies of development that take into account the questions of genus and orient at favour of the #poor persons, for such to further the reversal speeded at sizes of eradication of the poverty.

End of poverty

Download all ODS_1 information. [PDF]

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