23/11/2020 22:27 h.

Lluïsa Moret: «The management of the time is a law of the citizenry that has to enjoy of centralitat at the politicians of public management»


It has said it at the institutional inauguration of the 7th edition of the Time Use Week, initiative surroundings at the uses of the time that will take place telemàticament since today and until the 29 of November.

The deputy Lluïsa Moret has taken part this noon at the institutional inauguration of the Time Use Week, that has given the starting signal at a week of debate and reflection surroundings at the uses of the time. Previously it has taken place a conversation among Carl Honoré, voice of the Movement Slow and Judy Wajcman, sociologist and teacher of the London School of Economics, on the impact of the time and how manage it as a individuals and as a society, moderated by the director of the CCCB Judit Carrera.

The institutional inauguration has had the presence of the adviser of Exterior Act, Institutional Accounts and Transparency of the Generality of Catalonia, Bernat Solé and Barril; the Third tinenta of City council of Diary 2030, Digital Transition, Sports, Territorial and Metropolitan Coordination and Animal Welfare of the City council of Barcelona, Laia Bonet; the deputy of the Area of Social Cohesion, Citizenry and Welfare of the Deputation of Barcelona, Lluïsa Moret; the vice-president of Social and Economic Development of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Montserrat Ballarín and the Co-coordinator of the Barcelona Time Use Initiative for at Healthy Society, Ariadna Güell Healthy.

At his intervention the deputy Lluïsa Moret, that has recalled that 15 years ago that the Deputation inducted the spurt of politicians at matter of uses of the time at the local bodies, has signalled that «this week permits to recover the visibilització of the townships at the politicians of the time, that have to enjoy of centralitat at the public diaries and be present at the global of the public politicians, and very especially at tenor of the impacts of the COVID19». For Moret «have to favour and socialitzar the debate also with the citizenry to make possible a process of structural and deep transformation of our habits linked at all the spheres of the public and private life, since the individual and collective gaze», so that such and how has affirmed the deputy, «the management of the time is a law of the citizenry that has to enjoy of centralitat at the politicians of public management».

The adviser of Exterior Act, Institutional Accounts and Transparency of the Generality of Catalonia, Bernat Solé, has assured that the time is «a strategic resource, finite and no renewable», fact that has stayed more patent with the COVID19. «We are in a second liquid and fluctuating, that has to permit us advance to some more rational schedules and healthy», has pleaded the adviser. It makes time that works , but these months of pandemia has made that the management of the time «have entered at the political diaries of a lot of governances in the world» and «arouses a growing interest». Among 1966 and 2005, more of 85 states furthered surveys on uses of the time, also in Catalonia. The adviser Solé has requested that the conclusions of the Time Use Week make arrive at the Governance to work «of way coordinated with all the actors of the society at the adaptation at some healthier schedules». «It is necessary us a more rational distribution of the time», has concluded.

According to Montserrat Ballarín, vice-president of the Area of Social and Economic Development of the WITH, the effort does not depend only of the townships and «it is necessary to join all the efforts for the democratisation of the time». At this sense, has appended: «since the WITH sum us at this betrothal so that the politicians of the healthy time are indispensable for the economic reflation, the fight against the so much social inequalities and of genus, the effects of the pandemia of the COVID19 and the attainment of the Aims of Sustainable Development».

The third tinenta of City council of Diary 2030, Digital Transition, Sports, Territorial and Metropolitan Coordination and Animal Welfare of the City council of Barcelona, Laia Bonet, has excelled «the necessity to pose at the political diaries the reflection on the use of the time and the necessity to enjoy of a healthy life, also at contexts of pandemia». Bonet has recalled that «the economic and social inequalities that find at the familiar fields, educational or labour view reinforced of subtle form and silenciada at the use of the time». According to it has excelled «the Diary 2030 and the digital transition impact at the politicians of the time, and vice versa and therefore it is especially notable to work the sustainability and the technological humanism at the short and at the half term».

The co-coordinators of the BTUI, Ariadna Güell and Marta Junqué have recalled that the factor time has become a key element at the life of the persons during the COVID19 and will play a key paper for the economic reflation and at the new normality to have a healthier society and sustainable. «With all the ambition but also modesty want to contribute at that in the years ahead the argument and implementation of politicians of the time grow and extend so much in Catalonia as a the rest in the world and that the EU and the UN make recommendations for the spurt of politicians of the time». How it has assured Junqué, «want to make it such and how made it with the Initiative for the Time Reform: tracking the principles of transversalitat, with everybody, and multidisciplinar, with organisations, citizenry and institutions ».

To the building of a global speech

The Time Use Week 2020 takes place of the 23 at the 29 of November virtually and poses like a room of meeting and debates multidisciplinar, with experts of enquiry, organisations, companies and institutions, around the politicians of the time, splitting of a common aim: construct a global speech on the politicians of the time, that contribute a main welfare at the citizenry and was aligned with the new socioeconomic context and the aims of the Diary 2030. It is an orderly initiative for the Barcelona Time Use Initiative for at Healthy Society, with the collaboration of the City council of Barcelona, the Generality of Catalonia, Barcelona's Deputation and Barcelona's Metropolitan Area. The acts of the Time Use Week 2020 will be at Catalan or English. All the sessions will be able to reproduce at direct and will be doubled at Catalan or English as it correspond.

Inscriptions: tuw2020.timeuse.barcelona

More information: https://www.timeuse.barcelona/tuw-2020