30/04/2021 14:02 h.



School bullying and Ciberassetjament.

School bullying and Ciberassetjament.
The school bullying or bullying is the behaviour of pursuit or intentional maltreatment that exerts a pupil to another of physical or psychological way, constant and maintained at the time.
The ciberassetjament or ciberbullying is the behaviour of school maltreatment through technological devices utilised to offend, insult, despise, route offensive messages or spread real personal information or dud of way continued.
Unlike the school bullying, the ciberassetjament has a main impact at the victim, since:
• It suffers the assault of way continued, further of the school schedule, at any hour and at any place.
• The information published at Internet spreads and amplifies of fast and immediate way reaching the time besides persons.
• The anonymity of the person aggressor facilitates the maintenance of the bullying at the time.
This social phenomenon, increasingly extensive, has converted at a problem that live a lot of girls, adolescents and youngsters and that has grave physical consequences, emotional and school, since the victim suffers feeling of indefensió, vulnerability and insecurity all day long.

Therefore, it is important to promote acts of sensitisation, prevention, detection and intervention addressed at the professorship, the students and his families on the bullying and the ciberassetjament among equals and educate at the responsible use of the screens promoting the respect and the digital coexistence and incidint at the necessity that everybody, students, professorship and families, imply of positive form, committed and active.

The Centre SPOTT, through the materials of the Collection Connect, promotes the certain and responsible use of the screens at the familiar field. These materials respond at the Aim of Sustainable Development (ODS) number 3. Health and Welfare. "Guarantee a healthy life and promote the welfare for all the persons at all the ages". The seventeen ODS were proclaimed by the General Assembly of #United Nations the September 25, 2015 and form part of the global diary for 2030. Barcelona's the Deputation assumes the fulfillment and deploys his act of support at the local governances of the province of chord with these ODS.