3r esdeveniment internacional d’intercanvi interregional del projecte europeu Next2Met (Next2Met Policy Learning Event #3)
The Telecare Local Service provides support to senior citizens and dependent people so they can continue living independently and safe within their own homes.
The Local Telecare Service is a home telecare service that aims to improve the quality of life and autonomy of people who may be in risk due to factors of age, fragility, loneliness, disability or dependency. The service also seeks to detect emergency situations, such as falls or other medical emergencies, and responds immediately to them. Its main purpose is to provide elderly and dependent people, and their families, the security and safety to be cared for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, while increasing comfort and reducing social isolation.
Through the years, the service has aimed to continually innovate and improve. Some of its basic services include calls to get assistance or a necklace with a button to be pushed in the face of an emergency. But new digital complementary services such as devices to detect risks to the health of users or risks at home (e.g. mobility sensors, smoke and gas detectors, fall detector devices, etc.) are also available. Another example currently being tested is the use of smart water meters to detect risks associated with psychological or health problems through the analysis of users' water consumption patterns.
The service is currently being implemented through a public-private partnership between the Barcelona Provincial Council (DIBA), the local public administrations (310 municipalities) and the service provider company.
The main beneficiaries of the practice are the citizens, primarily the elderly and dependent people.
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