Credits and thanks

Coordination and contents

  • Montserrat Clotet i Massana, Oficina del Pla Jove
  • M. Teresa Clotet Masana, Oficina del Pla Jove

Help writing guides

Graphic design



One of the main values of these materials is that they incorporate the contributions of professionals that have tried Fem tec! activities. If we were to name each and every one of them the list would be too long, but in addition to everyone who offered suggestions or contributions, we would like to thank Josep M. Lluró Lacalle and Gemma Gilabert Beltran for their inspiration during the seminar «Joves amb recursos. Noves mirades al món de l'emprenedoria» (Youth with Resources. New visions of the world of entrepreneurship), the source of the initial idea for fem tec! materials.

We would also like to recognize the participation of the professionals from the following centres because of their contributions to the creation of the project

. Institut Matadepera and Matadepera City Council’s Punt Jove
. Casal de Joves El Kaliu and Institut el Vern, in Lliçà de Vall
. Servei de Joventut i Lleure infantil and Escola Cultura Pràctica, in Terrassa
. Servei de Joventut, Escola Montagut and Institut Eugeni d’Ors, in Vilafranca del Penedès