Tuesday, February 19, 2019.

9.45h Inauguration

10.00 h Presentation

Act of recognition to the 10 years of the Covenant of Mayors


11.15 h Breakfast

11.45 to 13.00 h

75 minutes round

Turn with the central subject for two tables on circular Economy: exchange of experiences and challenges on prevention, reuse, repair, selective collection, industrial symbiosis, green purchase...

And one or two tables of free subject of debate between those that want to share and debate all playing.


14.35 h Lunch

Elevator pitch.
16.35 to 17.40 h

16:36 h Wool of rock and circular economy to the edificació (ROCKWOOL)

16:44 h Diary 21 School Plus - reimpulsem the environmental management to the educational centres of primary of Sabadell (City council of Sabadell)

16:52 h Wall Vegetada "Wetwall" for the treatment of the grey water and the thermal isolation (Catedra UNESCO of Sustainability - UPC)

17:00 h circular Economy in the aggregates and in the concrete (Concretes MontcauS.To.)

17:08 h Park Maresme Circular, one bets leader to drive the change (Consortium for the Treatment of Urban Solid Waste of the Maresme)

17:16 h project It Uprising: circular management and descentralitzada of the organic matter of the cities (Tarpuna SCCL)

17:24 h Reparatruck, mobile unit of autoreparació of electrical devices, computers and bicycles for the municipalities (Solidança)


17.35 h Final of the day

Wednesday, February 20, 2019.
9.45 to 11.15 h

9:45 h Welcome and presentation of the work of the morning

9:55 h The observatory of the circular economy in Catalonia: Circular Catalonia (Generality of Catalonia, Department of Territory and Sustainability)

10:03 h Prize Catalonia of Ecodisseny (Agencia of Waste of Catalonia)

10:12 h II edition of the Ultra Clean Marathon - 7x7 x the nature! (Network of Custody of the Territory)

10:21 h The Life of the Toys or how do circular economy with the toys (Cooperative Environmental Space)

10:29 h Closing the circle (Association of Defence and Study of the Fauna and Flora Autochthonous)

10:38 h WASTIP - The use of technology for gestionar deixalleries: APP and Web (WASTE IN TIC SL / PROJECT SOCIOAMBIENTALS ENTORNa3 SL)

10:47 h And drive the EC and the industrial symbiosis with the companies of our municipality (OICOS Estrategia Environmental)

10:55 h Vallès Circulate: a strategy of territorial impulse of the Circular Economy (Local Council of the Vallès Western)

11:04 h New resources for the prevention of waste: MARATHON RESIDUE ZERO (GAIA-Environmental Services)


11.15 h Breakfast


12.00 h Plenary III: we Connect with the circular and green economy

  • Josep Monràs

    Mayor Mollet of the Vallès. Àmbit B30

  • Maria Calvo

    Technical of sustainability. Aj. Mataró

  • Eduard Barcons

    Manager at Berguedà Local Council 

  • Jordina Moltó

    Catalan association of Municipalities (ACM).

  • Ramon Farreny

    Doctor in science and env. technology

* To confirm




13.15 h Cloenda of the Forum and aperitiu