Shuttle bus service

To reach Món Sant Benet, to Saint Fruitós of Bages, a shuttle bus service will be available fromt Manresa Alta FGC bus station and RENFE Manresa station:


Exits of RENFE Manresa – Món Sant Benet 19th and 20th of February: 8:45 h, 9:30 h and 10:15 h.

Gone out Bus station of Manresa, at the side FFGG Manresa Alta – Món Sant Benet 19th and 20th of February: 8:10 h, 09:10 h, 09:50 h and 10:30 h


Món Sant Benet - RENFE Manresa the day 19 of February: 16:00 h, 16:45 h and 17:45 h.

Món Sant Benet - RENFE Manresa the day 20 of February: 14:00 h, 15:00 h, 16:30 h and 17:45 h

Món Sant Benet - Bus station of Manresa, at the side FFGG Manresa Alta the day 19 of February: 15:55 h, 16:35 h and 17:15 h

Món Sant Benet - Bus station of Manresa, at the side FFGG Manresa Alta the day 20 of February: 13:55 h, 14:55h, 15:55h, 16:35h and 17:15h.