Emergency plan

On the one hand, short-term action, with the approval of the Emergency Plan for economic and social recovery; on the other, an Internal Protocol to guarantee the provision of its own services and activities during the lockdown rollback process.

This aims to strengthen municipal budgetary solvency and organisational stability, and support local governments in their drive towards social and economic recovery. It is divided into five lines of support for local authorities:

• "No municipality left behind" programme, providing aid to town councils to pay their extraordinary running costs and swiftly executed investments to tackle the COVID-19 crisis.

• Municipal emergency programme, providing aid to pay for extraordinary expenses linked to the social vulnerability generated by the COVID-19 crisis.

• Specific road programme, to improve municipal roads.

• Economic and employment development programme, to support the local economy and employment.

• Sociocultural reactivation programme, to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 in the social, cultural, educational and sports spheres of the municipalities.


The Internal protocol establishes a series of measures that enable Barcelona Provincial Council to continue to provide its services and carry out its activities, with a time horizon of December 2020.

The objectives of this Protocol are basically to prioritise remote working among staff, minimise the risk of contagion among those who work on-site and ensure a health work-life balance for everyone who works in the Provincial Council.

In addition to this package of measures aimed at immediate action, the local public cooperation policy is a key element in the corporation’s Mandate Plan for channelling the most significant public actions in the medium term.