
Urban environment and health




The facilities are those spaces that offer the services that the city council and its community decide to establish. Its original function is to permanently provide the citizenship with the features needed for its correct functioning. Traditionally, facilities also were in charge of ensuring the territorial (re)balance by distributing basic services for healthcare, education, culture, sports and social services. Commonly, these services are planned in a specialized and sectoral manner, in other to direct and optimize its actions.

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The citizens, for their part, develop collective activities at the facilities, within the range of possibilities that the city council has to offer. By promoting diversity of uses and users on one same facility, it allows to bridge the gap for an articulate society, instead of promoting a fractured one. Thus, facilities give a sense of identity for the citizens and bring them together for the common good. Each facility, within its role, improves the surrounding urban environment. Altogether they improve the city qualitatively.

In other to accomplish with their role, facilities must be able to veil in exemplary manner for the health of its workers and must meet the interest of its users, the citizens. For that end, the building managers should have in mind core issues related to its conditions of use and levels of intervention, which are the guidelines for this scope of action:

  • Safety and operation - facilities should be safe buildings and should be noticed as such, to ensure the quality of its activities. For that purpose, facilities should be healthy buildings with safe structures, healthy building materials and safe to use. In addition, municipal facilities should also ensure a correct use and maintenance of its areas and resources, always having in mind the immediate and future health of its inhabitants.
  • Healthy conditions - The facilities’ administrators should veil for a healthy usage and occupations of its buildings and spaces. This includes promoting well-lit envi-ronments, with correct ventilation and without too much noise, to ensure the well-being of its permanent or temporary occupants. Furthermore, for maintaining healthy built environments and its resources, the administrators must ensure a correct waste management and should promote cleaning actions to provide toxic-free environments.
  • Information and awareness raising - Regardless of its scope of action, the main goal for facilities is to portray as an example for health and well-being, by informing and raising awareness amongst its occupants. To this end, facilities should spread homogenous information driven for the integration of healthy activities and provide resources and procedures that engage its occupants to act healthy. Additionally, facilities must promote health by raising awareness on a healthier lifestyle, inciting its occupants to action instead of merely inform them. Facilities are the city council’s tools to develop multiple actions on social responsibility towards its citizens. When well handed, these public tools have the power to transform society, by its constant effort towards a better public health and general well-being.
  • Promoció, exemple i acció. Els equipaments són eines que els municipis disposen per exercir les seves múltiples funcions de responsabilitat en relació amb els ciutadans. Quan ben utilitzades, aquestes eines públiques tenen el poder de transformar la societat, per mitjà del constant esforç mutu en favor de la salut pública i el benestar comú.


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