
We have grouped together the actions for each of the projects' targeted sectors.


To reduce vulnerabilities in the forestry sector, such as increased risk of forest fires, forest degradation and the loss of tree species, reduced productivity and habitat fragmentation, we will implement climate change adaptation measures linked to the promotion of sustainable forest management and markets specialising in local forest products.

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To reduce vulnerabilities in the fishing sector, such as the overexploitation of natural resources or the loss of beaches, we will implement climate change adaptation measures aimed at reducing the impact of changes in coastal morphology, the use of new fishing techniques and the promotion of markets for local and sustainable seafood products

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Agriculture and livestock

To reduce the vulnerability of the agriculture/livestock sector, such as the loss of quality of agricultural products, the increase in the amount of water needed for crops and livestock, and the increase in the risk of losses in livestock production, we will implement climate change adaptation measures linked to the promotion of more resilient local crop or livestock varieties, the use of new agricultural techniques, and the promotion of local and sustainable markets for agri-food products.

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To reduce the vulnerability of the tourism sector, such as the loss of climatic comfort, the loss of coastline or the decrease of snow availability in ski resorts, we will implement climate change adaptation actions aimed at promoting sustainability and adaptation in the tourism sector, promoting tourism diversification and implementing locally managed tourism brands.

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Cross-cutting actions

We will implement cross-cutting and cross-sectoral climate change adaptation actions that address multiple objectives, such as optimising water use, restoring ecosystems, integrating circular economy principles and nature-based solutions into management models, promoting sustainable mobility and increasing energy sovereignty.

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