It commences the enabling at adaptation at the climatic change with the support of the Camera of Barcelona's Trade - Life eCOadapt50
Riera Major, Saint Sadurní of Osormort. Author: Barcelona's Deputation
Like this, under the leadership of the Camera of Barcelona's Trade, along the project will realise a series of webinars and workshops for the enabling at adaptation at the climatic change. The first webinar, the Thursday 14 of November at the 12h, titles “The paper of the forests at the regulation of the cycle of the water: forest management linked at the recovery of blue water”.
At this first session will accost the paper of the forests at the regulation of the cycle of the water. Of Lluís Coll's hand (University of Lleida), María González Sanchis (Centre of Science and Forest Tech of Catalonia), Teresa Baiges (Centre of the Forest Property) and Josep Pintó (Forest Association of the Vale of Lord), the participants will deepen at the impact of the climatic change on the forest resources and the kicks ecosistèmics of the Catalan forests, as well as the forest management as a essential tool to adapt the forests at these changes. Information and inscriptions at the web.
Modules, webinars and workshops
The planned training at the plan of enabling includes a module of e-learning of some five hours with generic contents on the risks and impacts derived of the climatic change and focused at the pool of stakeholders and addressees of the project and four modules of e-learning sectorial, with pills of 30 minutes of each one of the sectors of the project: agroramader, forest, pesquer and tourist.
Also they will make twelve webinars sectorial, how what makes the day 14, as well as three webinars of public administration and six transversal, all online, in addition to twenty-four territorial workshops of the distinct sectors and three workshops for administrations publish. Unlike the rest of the training, the workshops will be face-to-face, delivered all over of the territory of the project.