Creation and dinamització of the mark of the cigronet of Senan
Spurt at the creation and registry of the mark of the cigronet of Senan, an autochthonous variety of chickpea more adapted at the climatology of the zone, by means of the design of an image identificativa and proprietary and the organisation of a day of diffusion.

Date of onset 06/08/2024
Sector Agroramader and tourist
Fellow impulsor Consortium Leader of Rural Development of the Area
Territory of performance Senan (the Basin of Barberà)
Climatic risk Decrease of the production of crops and pastures
Cut of the availability of water for the agriculture
Loss of harvests
Estimate 10.890,00 €


Promotion of local varieties resilients

It treats of an autochthonous local variety more adapted at the climatology of the territory and farmed under particular conditions that offers him only characteristics.

The 2024 is the third consecutive year of plantation of chickpea at the township of conjoint way with the neighbours and neighbours. Simultaneously at the plantation have celebrated annually the “Days of the chickpea” where combines a technical part with an experimental part.

Third Day of the Chickpea of Senan

During the last day posed of manifesto the necessity to create an own and proprietary mark for the cigronet of Senan for such to guarantee the quality and authenticity of the product and favour the establishment of innovative processes of commercialization and diffusion of the singularity of the seed of Senan.

To make it, will have the juridical advice for the registry of the mark and the technical advice of a designer/at for the creation of the mark. The act also includes the organisation of the III Day of the Chickpea of Senan. Also it foresees a game for the design of the packaging of the product.