It presents the project Life eCOadapt50 at a day on the forests and the climatic change at the Mesh of Natural Parks of Barcelona's Deputation - Life eCOadapt50
Forest of the Montnegre affected by the drought. Author: Iñaki Relanzón / Barcelona's Deputation
The Mesh of Natural Parks of Barcelona's Deputation receives a big diversity of habitats that extend since the Mediterranean command until the boreoalpí. Along the last years is observing how the effects of the climatic change have a main affectation at the forests, so much for his frequency how for his stretch. Dire phenomenons how the storm Glòria of the year 2020, a main incidence of pests how the of the escolítids perforadors of the pine pinyer at the Maresme, the reiteration of the forest fires and the dire drought that are living are a threat for the persistence of the ongoing forests. Meet the effects and the vulnerabilities in front of the climatic change is key to promote the conservation of our forest systems making them more resilients.
For years, distinct squads of enquiry have carried out a big diversity of ecological follow-ups, surveys and executive projects on the themed the results of which will present at this meeting, with the purpose to be able to advance at the adaptation of the forests at the ongoing context of main severity of the impacts of the climatic change. The scientific ken shared and the experience at direct management of the natural rooms have to permit continue working to define a strategy to adapt the forests at the climatic change, accompanying acts how the European project Life eCOadapt50 at distinct Catalan territories.
Experiences and acts
The day is addressed at persons implied at the observation, conservation and management of the territory (agents, administrations, researchers, studious, etc.). After a presentation of the ongoing context and compilation of acts for Joan's part Rovira (Barcelona's Deputation), at the first bloc will make an exposure on the climatic change and the ongoing state of the forests in Catalonia. They will present the reports on adaptive forest Management at the Mediterranean context (Lluís Coll, University of Lleida) and the effects that provoke, on forest weakness with the project DEBOSCAT (Mireia Banqué, Centre of Ecological Enquiry and Forest Apps CREAF); Pests and forest sicknesses (Jonàs Oliva, University of Lleida-CTFC) and forest Fires (Asier Larrañaga, Band of Forest Performances, Department of Interior, Generality of Catalonia).
The second bloc treats on climatic change and forests: experiences at the Mesh of Natural Parks. At the section of evidences of climatic change at the Mesh of Natural Parks will talk of Follow-up of vegetation at the Park of the Montnegre and the Runner (Caesar Gutiérrez, consultor botanic); What would request the rivers at the forests to be able to have more water? (Daffodil Prat, Barcelona's University); and 20 years of changes at the butterflies at the forests of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (Constantine Stefanescu, Museum Natural Sciences Granollers).
At Analysis of vulnerability will present the results of the Life Clinomics, pilot acts at the PN-RB of the Montseny (Sílvia Escolano, Barcelona's Deputation); Map of vulnerability at the drought of the forests of the XPN and survey of blue water and forest management (Mario Beltrán, CTFC). And at demonstrative Acts of adaptation will explain the principal conclusions of the Life Triton Montseny (Daniel Guinart, Barcelona's Deputation); Life Mixforchange, adaptive management of Mediterranean mixed forests (Jaime Coello, CTFC); and Life Climark, acts of mitigació and adaptation (Teresa Baiges, Centre of the Forest Property).
Before the conclusion, will make the presentation of the