We open the first rooms of work and turnout at distinct territories of Catalonia - Life eCOadapt50
Living lab at the Park of the Montnegre and the Runner
Life eCOadapt50 integrates 19 territories with his socioeconomic agents, his citizenry and his public administrations to improve the act at adaptation at the climatic change at the sectors agroramader, pesquer, forest and tourist. The project incorporates geographic areas of distinct orographic characteristics, climatic and of economic activity (half and low mount, earths of interior with agriculture of secà or with regadiu, coastal places, zones more urban and more rural, forests, etc.) of a wide fan of regions.
The living labs for the climatic change (LL4CC) will go constituting long of the month of October at cadascun of the 19 territories. At the province of Barcelona, form part the Tall Penedès, a part of the Anoia, of the Bages and of Osona and 10 natural rooms of the Mesh of Natural Parks of the Deputation of Barcelona.
During the process of gestation of the living labs, will identify the key actors that will take part in the cocreació of proposals and solutions to reduce the effects of the climatic phenomenons on the persons, infrastructures and economic activities, among of others.
The first living labs have celebrated the 28 of September at the Park of the Castell of Montesquiu, taking advantage of the first meeting of entities and the 10 of October at the Park of the Montnegre and the Runner. The others 17 will go constituting from the Monday 16 of October: GALP Coast Brava (16 of October), Association Leader West (17 of October), Natural Park of Saint Llorenç of the Munt and the Sunless (17 of October), Adrinoc- Association DRI Northeastern Zone of Catalonia (18 of October), Park of the Foix, Park of Olèrdola and Park of the Garraf (23 of October), Park of the Mountain range of Marina (24 of October), Natural Room of the Guilleries-Savassona (25 of October), Consortium Leader Occidental Pyrenees (25 of October), Natural Park and Reservation of the Biosphere of the Montseny (26 of October), ), Consortium for the rural development of the Central Catalonia (26 of October), , Park of the Coastal Mountain range (31 of October), Consortium Leader of Rural Development of the Area (27 of October), Association Leader Ripollès-Ges-Bisaura (7 of November) and Local Council of the Penedès (30 of November.
The figures
Life eCOadapt50 has an estimate of 19 million of euros, cofinançat at a 60% for the program Life of the European Commission and at a 40% for the 24 public fellows and private that form part. The European project foresees to execute until the 2030 one minimum of 76 acts at four economic activities especially vulnerable at the effects of the climatic change –agroramadera, forest, pesquera and tourist– and at 19 rooms of Catalonia, that represent near 19.400 km2 and imply more of 900.000 inhabitants.
Besides, along the eight years of project foresees mobilise more of 73 million of euros to further more of one thousand complementary acts with the implication of the local administration, centres of enquiry, socioeconomic actors and the citizenry.