Improvement of farm agroforestal at the plain of the Empordà - Life eCOadapt50
Date of onset | 23/10/2024 |
Sector | Agroramader and forest |
Fellow impulsor | Association for the Integral Rural Development of the Northeastern Zone of Catalonia |
Territory of performance | Lladó (Tall Empordà) |
Climatic risk | Increase of the risk of forest fire Decrease of the production of crops and pastures Increment of the necessities of watering |
Estimate | 42.035,40 € |
The heterogeneity of the landscape, main complexity and biodiversity of the ecosystem
The ongoing forest masses of the plain agroforestal of the Empordà require of acts of management for such to cater new kicks ecosistèmics (blue water, biodiversity, primary production) and reduce climatic risks, like now the of forest fires or the of pests and sicknesses linked at the forest weakness. At ambient level, the creation of a mosaic agroforestal and of zones adevesades, promotes a heterogeneity of the landscape and, therefore, a main complexity and biodiversity of the system.
With this end in view, at the farm of the teulera sited at the township of Lladó (Tall Empordà) of 22 has where since the 2010 already works at a project of production agroecològica of orchard and cereals, has promoted an act inspired at the agroforesteria based at the cut and no at the plantation like at other rooms.
Forest management scheduled at 20,5 has to the farm the teulera
The farm has a big natural value since the river Manol crosses it for the half and there is presence of a forest of maples, some boixedes -now affected for the butterfly of the boix (Cydalima perspectalis)- with sparse feet of Ilex aquifolium. At the zone northeast of the farm, extends a forest mass that has been abandoned for years and that the year 2018 was scheduled with a Plan of Forest Management.
The act in question consists at the forest management of 20,5 has to the farm for pasture at what will realise the following acts:
- Rompuda of a rebrot of alzines of 1'4ha. At this zone will make strips each 24m with the aim to make a system of fences arbrades to favour the production of aglans.
- Four typologies of forest management at the rest of the 15,7ha:
- 8.7 it has to alzinar at that it will make a selection and improvement of feet to reach a density of 600 feet/has.
- 3.5 it has to white pine with sotabosc of alzina at that they will let 10 pines has and esclarirà the alzinar at 300peus/has to obtain pasture and aglans.
- 3.5ha of white pine with sotabosc of alzina at that they will let a density of alzina sole of 300 feet/has.
- 1ha of control with the ongoing vegetation.
- Scientific follow-up of the project
Appraisal of the suitability to enter the Catalan donkeys that already graze 5ha of the farm at the system agroforestal created. But it would assess introduce cows type Albera or Bruna at function of the results of the scientific survey.